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Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Corso di laurea in infermieristica - Sede di Modena

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Thesis TitleTension pneumothorax and nursing assessment in out-of-hospital emergencies: objective elements and OPACS methodology
NameMucci Lucilla
Supervisor(s)Gelati Luca, Di Martino Alberto
Academic Year2020/21
Thesis typeResearch thesis


The focus of this thesis are the competencies and skills required of nurses in the assessment and management of out-of-hospital emergencies in persons with trauma. The thesis was constructed (method) by reviewing the literature on the treatment of trauma in out-of-hospital emergencies and evaluating the practical application of the OPACS (observe, palpate, auscultate, count, respiratory rate, and saturation) assessment methodology in persons with thoracic trauma. The aim of the thesis is to highlight how an independent nursing assessment utilizing the OPACS method, in out-of-hospital emergency situations, can rapidly identify conditions of respiratory distress and the presence of a tension pneumothorax. Critical issues that emerge in this thesis are related to the healthcare organizations' continuing distrust of the nurse's ability to independently conduct an initial assessment on people with chest trauma. Thoracic auscultation skills and training in the detection of pneumothorax (a life-saving maneuver to be delivered at the scene of the event) are not conveyed in basic nurse education. In conclusion, the thesis confirms the importance of the application of a rigorous method of OPACS assessment by the nurse to intercept quickly and safely in the situations of respiratory distress and tension pneumothorax. The need for specific training with procedural simulation for the nurse on-scene to autonomously stabilize the tension pneumothorax is necessary to avoid death during pre-hospital care.