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Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Corso di laurea in infermieristica - Sede di Modena

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Thesis TitleThe role of the nurse in the hemodynamics room: preparation and assistance of the patient undergoing cardiac catheterization for pulmonary hypertensio
NameCarella Simona
Supervisor(s)Rossi Rosario, Ganzerli Samantha
Academic Year2020/21
Thesis typeNon research thesis


Pulmonary hypertension is a progressive disease that interferes with the person's hemodynamic status. Endothelial dysfunction and vascular remodeling obstruct small pulmonary arteries by increasing pulmonary vascular resistance and pulmonary pressure. Depending on the location and lesions, etiology and other factors, it is classified into five groups and subgroups; among these we have pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), hypertension caused by left heart disease; hypoxic pulmonary hypertension and / or due to lung disease; chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) and pulmonary hypertension due to unknown causes and / or multifactorial mechanisms. Initially, the signs and symptoms are nonspecific and progressively worsen, causing a delay in the diagnosis that is made by subjecting the patient to cardiac catheterization using the Swan-Ganz catheter, useful for treating the most severe cardiorespiratory imbalances by monitoring three main pressures: pressure central venous (PVC), pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP) and wedge pressure (PCWP). The catheter also allows to measure cardiac output with the thermodilution, or Fick method, to evaluate the patient's hemodynamic status. The following report highlights the importance of nurse's role during the care process, which is divided into three stages: in the preoperative phase, data is collected to develop an effective treatment plan; emotional support is ensured and the patient is prepared for the procedure; in the intraoperative phase, the correctness of personal and clinical data is checked and patient safety is ensured by continuously monitoring vital parameters until the end of the procedure; in the postoperative period, the final operative check-list is compiled, reporting the patient's response to the operation and any complications that may have arisen in the following hours.