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Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Corso di laurea in infermieristica - Sede di Modena

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Thesis Title"Emergency-urgency protocols and the role of the nurse in the operating room in general surgery in the COVID era"
NameTocco Salvatore
Supervisor(s)Farinetti Alberto
Academic Year2019/20
Thesis typeResearch thesis


In the context of the operating room, the patient assistance part focuses more on the type of intervention than on the needs that the client expresses. In fact, since the period of time in which the patient stays in the operating room is short, it is difficult to establish an effective and trusting “nurse-patient” relationship that is satisfactory from the point of view of collaboration, esteem and mutual respect. In itself, the surgery represents one of the most critical moments of the hospital stay that is amplified if it is performed in an emergency-urgency regime due to the precarious conditions of those who suffer it. In an emergency-urgency regime, the organizational situation of the team varies according to the intervention to be carried out and the time required in preparing the instrumentation to be used and in gathering the right professionals consulted to carry out the surgical act are also very important. The figure of the nurse in the operating room may require the performance of various activities throughout the perioperative phase and his role is essential to provide correct assistance both to the patient but also to the entire team within the operating room, and can also assist the different figures. professionals helping them to carry out their activities. The changes related to the protocols implemented in general surgery in the covid era will be illustrated.