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Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Corso di laurea in infermieristica - Sede di Modena

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Thesis TitleSleep Disorder: Responsibility, Goals and Nursing interventions
NameSahbani Nadhir
Supervisor(s)Panzera Nunzio
Academic Year2018/19
Thesis typeNon research thesis


The focus of this document is to analyse the sleep upset, a pathology which is often underestimated faced with other full-blown pathologies. From an initial medical point of view, in the first chapter it will be analysed the physiology of the sleep, with some lines dedicated to his functions, to then discuss about the most used measurement methods in healthcare.
We’ll see which could be the most frequent causes of sleep upset, to later see the pathophysiological effects caused in our patients by this disturbance. In addition, we’ll report some research studies, conducted mainly in the Intensive Care realities. These studies will examine sleep deprivation from the perspective of patients and nurses, investigating the causes, the side effects and the possible promotional interventions. It will be analyse how the evaluation of the sleep model represents a nurse responsibility, mentioning some fundamental Theories of Modern Nursing.
Finally, regarding the formulation of the Assistance Plan to a person with sleep upset, thanks to the taxonomy NANDA-I, NOC and NIC, we’ll report the main Nursing Diagnoses, with the relative Targets (NOC) and Intervention (NIC), with a focus on some kind of actions easy to apply and with a highly effectiveness.