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Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Corso di laurea in infermieristica - Sede di Modena

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Thesis TitleStroke: Evolving pathology, the importance of prevention and the path of treatment up to rehabilitation
NameCerbone Francesco
Supervisor(s)Tassinari Roberto
Academic Year2018/19
Thesis typeNon research thesis


Cerebral stroke is the second leading cause of death worldwide and the third in industrialized countries, and is also the leading cause of disability and the second leading cause of dementia. This leads both to the level of health costs, with hospitalization, and in psycho-social terms, with loss of work and autonomy, to a problem that is having an ever increasing diffusion due to the increase in the elderly population and persistence of the habit of smoking. The most frequent acute cerebrovascular accident is ischemic type through an interruption of the blood flow due to an obstruction of a vessel that supplies blood to the brain, while less frequent is the hemorrhagic type due to the rupture of a cerebral vessel.
The purpose of this paper is to understand the importance of the nurse throughout the treatment path, from prevention to rehabilitation, collaborating with the various professional figures, to have a multidisciplinarity, always keeping the patient at the center of the therapeutic path. The methodology carried out for the realization of the thesis is the revision of the literature. The documents examined show that the nurse has a fundamental role in the entire treatment path, starting from the prevention and identification of symptoms, since the time that elapses between the onset of symptoms and actually the patient's access to therapy it should be as short as possible in order to have a better response to treatment. The Nurse informs, involves, educates and supports the person concerned through his free consent, to encourage adherence to the treatment path and to evaluate and activate the available resources, underlining the importance of the relationship to have the best cooperation and obtain therefore an effective treatment.