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Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Corso di laurea in infermieristica - Sede di Modena

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Thesis TitleNursing assistance to the person who has undergone a liver transplant, management and prevention of the complications. A clinical case
NameMaresca Veronica
Supervisor(s)Malagoli Maurizia, Nocella Jessica
Academic Year2018/19
Thesis typeResearch thesis


This thesis work aims to analyse and describe the frequent infections, the complications related to the immunosuppressive pharmacological therapy and, in particular, to further explore the nursing management and the prevention of postoperative complications with respect to a patient who has undergone a liver transplant. In the postoperative period, the occurrence of complications is considerably high and, with regard to liver transplant, the more frequent ones are correlated to infections and organ rejection. Immunosuppressant drugs cause the inhibition of the immune system which consequently increases the risk of potentially fatal infections in the patient. The figure of the nurse plays a pivotal role in avoiding infections, especially those related to the assistance, through proper control and prevention measures. On this purpose, standardised assistance provisions and a scrupulous asepsis are required. With regard to rejection, it occurs when the immune system doesn’t detect the graft and attacks the new liver; the treatment consists of early identifying rejection signs and symptoms and properly dosing immunosuppressive medication.
Furthermore, apart from identifying the signs and symptoms of infections, of drugs side effects and other complications, the nurse has to constantly supervise and assess the patient conditions, in order to promptly detect the onset of alterations. He also has to train the patient, together with his family, in such a manner that they can recognise and prevent possible variations, in a context of active cooperation and through targeted interventions, thus ensuring the positive outcome of the transplant.