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Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Corso di laurea in infermieristica - Sede di Modena

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Thesis TitlePlanning of nursing assistance to the person affected by cancer of the pancreas: Case report
NameOpoku Victoria Aboagyewaa
Supervisor(s)Cavani Francesco
Academic Year2017/18
Thesis typeNon research thesis


Pancreatic cancer is an uncommon and silent disease that kills people like any cancer. The risk of developing cancer is similar in the span of life and for both sexes.
A correct and careful global management of the patient by the nurse, includes various assistance interventions: from therapeutic education, to improve knowledge on possible problems of pre and post surgery, up to advanced procedures, which allow the nurse to keep the person under control from various points of view, avoiding possible complications.
The aim of the thesis is to deepen the general nursing assistance to the adult with pancreatic cancer, since this issue is not dealt with in nursing manuals.
The topic is followed by a case report, which includes the description of a real case and the related planning of nursing care using taxonomic language (NANDA-I, NOC and NIC).