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Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Corso di laurea in infermieristica - Sede di Modena

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Thesis TitleIncreased accesses in the emergency department: the reality of overcrowding in our hospitals. Methods and organizational models to deal with it and to
NameLatino Alessia
Supervisor(s)Orlando Pantaleo, Silvestri Barbara
Academic Year2017/18
Thesis typeNon research thesis


The emergency departments overcrowding is a central issue of public health. To deal with it, experimentation and implementation of new organizational models suitable are needed for this purpose.
Literature’s data prove that, every year, one third of the Italian population gets into the E.R. because of an urgent medical reason (real or suspected). Emergency services overcrowding is a well-known global phenomenon: normal operations are often made difficult because of the disproportion between health demand and available resources.
Moreover, it has a negative effect on the health service quality both in terms of security, quality treatment and in terms of operator’s psychophysical welfare. It’s proved that it may cause adverse events.
The aim of the work described in this thesis is to analyze the emergency department overcrowding in Emilia Romagna, focusing on our province, and to describe its different analysis models, in particular the NEDOCS model. The data collected at Carpi’s hospital will be presented as well as the organizational solutions adopted to simplify and speed up process and exit of the patients; this has the purpose of providing them with timely and effective care and hospitalization.