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Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Corso di laurea in infermieristica - Sede di Modena

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Thesis TitleKnowing how to accompany: palliative sedation in the end of life. The nurse, the patient and the family on a path of home palliative care.
NameCisternino Roberta
Supervisor(s)Monti Cinzia
Academic Year2017/18
Thesis typeNon research thesis


This script aims to highlight an area of care, not yet developed in our reality, in which the nurse in an indispensable element. Palliative Care in a modality of assistance aimed at subjects suffering from chronic diseases when active therapies are no longer effective. Various laws regulate these treatments, but the Law n.38/2010 has guarantees the right to Palliative Care and to the treatment of pain to all those who need it, including them in the Essential Assistance Levels. Palliative Care can also be provided at home, through a global assistance of the patient and the family, elaborating an Individual Care Plan shared by all the members of the team, with the informed consent of the patient declared in a decision-making process. In the last week of life, there are refractory symptoms and they generate physical suffering in the patient  and palliative sedation in an effective method for the reduction of their perception through the diminution of consciousness. Sedation is a treatment, implemented with specific drugs at personalized doses, managed by palliativist doctors, nurses, general practitioners and other professionals, competent in maintaining the best possible quality of life for that subject. The help relationship becomes an essential element on which to base the whole process of care and the nurse becomes a guide for the family nucleus because, competent in the work it does, it responds adequately to all the doubts present. Through active listening, assertive communication, interviews and emotional intelligence, the nurse establishes a help relationship based on trust and the therapeutic alliance, which are in themselves instruments of care, given the extreme closenesss emotional with the person and the caregiver.