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Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Corso di laurea in infermieristica - Sede di Modena

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Thesis TitleFamily Psychoeducation in the “Esordi Psicotici” regional project: the nurse’s role defines a new healthcare concept. Evolution of a clinical case
NameCaterino Roberta
Supervisor(s)Cottafavi Katiuscia
Academic Year2015/16
Thesis typeNon research thesis


 This thesis analyses psychosis, which is a mental illness that leads to the loss of perception of reality. In particular, this elaborate presents in detail the project “Esordi Psicotici”, recently initiated by the region Emilia Romagna, of which the city of  Modena is the leading proponent. The aim of this innovative program is to analyze, identify and subsequently apply the best methods found in research in the network services. Patients who present with psychotic onset require timely treatment which, in addition to immediate pharmacological treatment, includes also an early psychosocial intervention, to prevent and reduce disabilities related to the disease and to reduce healthcare costs. Within psychosocial assistance, the family psychoeducation achieved excellent results, and this paper presents the particular characteristics of this research. The family members of the young people who have their first psychotic episode, experience a significant depression phase, social isolation and poor coping skills, thus one of the main objectives of the intervention consists in the reduction of stress and of the burden from the family members, improving quality of life and the psycho-physical wellbeing. An essential element in this process is the figure of the nurse, who assumes the role of case manager as well as being responsible for the organization, implementation and evaluation of the psychoeducation process, becoming a real guide for the patient and his family members. They recognise the quality of this professional figure who, properly trained, is able to give support. In conclusion, there is reported an example of a real clinical case, in which nurse’s skills are tangible and underline how the contribution of this health worker is necessary in order to ensure personalized assistance adaptable to the needs of the patient and his family.