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Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Corso di laurea in infermieristica - Sede di Modena

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Thesis TitleClinical and socio-demographic variables associated with the outcome of a vocational rehabilitation programme in an Italian Community Mental Health Ce
NameSacchi Valentina
Supervisor(s)Galeazzi Gian Maria
Academic Year2015/16
Thesis typeResearch thesis


The 2008-2009 Great Recession and the subsequent economic crisis led to big changes in work, peculiarly as far as vocational rehabilitation programmes in mental health are concerned.
To co-design a psychoeducational group intervention aiming at supporting people included in vocational rehabilitation programmes. 
Qualitative study. A focus group was organized at the Community Mental Health Center of Castelfranco Emilia (Modena) with the participation of three health professionals (psychatrists and nurses), three patients involved in vocational relhabilitation programmes and one educators who support them. The thick description of the focus group was analyzed according to the principles of the General Grounded Theory. An in fieri hierarchical code system was developed. The encoding was made with the software MAXQDA 12. 
The focus group lasted 1h39m. Two main areas were coded: Positive Supports and Negative Supports (86 interventions), further sub-divided into three areas: operators, personal factors and setting (9, 27 and 50 interventions, respectively). At the end of the study respondent validation was made by means of multiple-choice questionnaires gave out to all participants. 
A structured, psychoeducationsl group interventions aiming at supporting people in vocational rehabilitation programmes should include the followig sessions: Gap between the education and the job; Relationship with colleagues; Disease and the work place; Company’s requests and the increased stress; Lack of informations; the duration sould be 2 hours.