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Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Corso di laurea in infermieristica - Sede di Modena

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Thesis TitleEvolution of nurses' knowledge and skills in palliative care
NameRuffini Agnese
Supervisor(s)Gelati Luca
Academic Year2014/15
Thesis typeResearch thesis


Aim of the research: evaluate nurses’ knowledge about palliative care and comparing answers from nurses’ of two different structure: the in-hospital hospice of Policlinico in Modena and the local hospice Casa Madonna dell’Uliveto in Albinea (RE).
Instruments and methods: the evaluating tool is an approved questionnaire of 20 questions about three conceptual categories: principles of palliative care, management of pain and other symptoms and psychosocial care. Nurses have three different choice to answer (“true”, “false” or “I don’t know”). Results were related to the structure where nurses worked (in-hospital hospice or local hospice), to their educational qualification and to the period that they spent in palliative care contests. Results: from the study results that nurses, who work in the local hospice Casa Madonna dell’Uliveto, have better knowledge, but they have also been working in palliative care for longer. Considering all the nurses those who have a Nursing Degree have a better score in the questionnaire that who has not; also nurses who have been working in a palliative care unit since 5 - 10 years are more prepared than who has been working there from less time. Finally we try to evaluate in which topic nurses have better knowledge: it results that they are more prepared about the principles of palliative care but they have more difficult in managing psychological and social caring.