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Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Corso di laurea in infermieristica - Sede di Modena

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Thesis TitleDiagnostic and nursing care to woman vittims of violence
NameTeguim Duvaliet
Supervisor(s)Minozzi Cinzia
Academic Year2014/15
Thesis typeNon research thesis


How will stress in this thesis, gender-based violence is a social and cultural problem and not public policy, in fact the primary place of violence against women is not the road but the house, it is based on the unequal distribution of power between men and women and to combat it must try to raise the perception of violence through knowledge and information. To implement policies to combat it is necessary to continuously monitor the issue and make public the data centers and research, the only way to break the isolation which lives the female victim of violence and to ensure that the woman ask for help. The victims and their aggressors belong to all social classes or cultural, and at all economic classes, why are key primary prevention programs that make a work of popular education that prevents and contrasts, in all fields, the devaluation of the female gender and social tolerance that still exists towards violence against women.