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Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Corso di laurea in infermieristica - Sede di Modena

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Thesis TitleLaughter therapy in a pediatric patient. A resource on face's nurse.
NameDi Liberto Sofia Simona
Supervisor(s)Minozzi Cinzia
Academic Year2013/14
Thesis typeNon research thesis


The disease in a child is lived in a dramatic way both by the child him/herself and by the whole family. Therefore we can certainly say that smile therapy helps relieve anxiety and suffering.In addition to this we can see that good mood greatly contributes to increase the beneficial effects related to cares and treatments:both the child’s trust and his sticking to cures improve.It is evident that taking care of such patients becomes more gratifying.The laughter science is gelotology that together with positive emotions is used as a catalyst for a psycophysical improvement.Such science assists the patient throughout his illness by means of laughter and good humour.Psyconeuroendocrineimmunology is strictly related to gelotology.According to such science the immune system of the human being  and his emotions are deeply interrelated.It is relevant to make a distinction between laughing and smiling.While the first one is a simple and natural action requiring no efforts,the second one consists of an expression in the face which is less impulsive and with a stronger emotional intensity in comparison with laughter.Laughter has no contraindication;on the contrary it has numerous beneficial effects concerning the majority of the organs of our body.Clown therapy or smile therapy was born in order to improve the condition of children confined to bed in hospital for a long time:its main goal is infact to bring a smile where suffering is found. The most important representative of such therapy was H. Adams,who was able to relieve those suffering without using medicines,but by means of funny therapies.If we consider the nursing care within a pedriatic ward,we can state that such approach is a valid instrument as far as children care and attention is concerned.It gives rise to the so called ‘help relationship’.Smiling brings about smiling and this helps us loosen the tension that forms when a child is obliged to cope with unpleasant situations in an unknown environment.Let's smile!